I am pleased to announce that I will be starting a new venture this academic year– serving as digital humanities consultant for San Diego State University. In a partnership with the incomparable Joanna Brooks (English and Comparative Literature), we will be working to “reboot” the humanities in simple, strategic ways. More soon!
Special Issue of DHQ is now online
“The Literary”: a special issue of DHQ (Digital Humanities Quarterly), that I co-edited with the wonderful Lisa Swastrom, is now available. http://digitalhumanities.org/dhq/preview/index.html
This special issue features thirteen outstanding essays that consider different points of intersection, friction, tension, and opportunity between digital culture and literary technique. We are very proud of this work!
Comparative Textual Media
Guess what’s coming to a bookstore near you?
Check it out at the Press’s website: http://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/comparative-textual-media
Or on Amazon, so pre-order your copy today!
Digital Humanities Speaker Series
Heading back to Yale– for a conference, that is!
for what promises to be a fascinating conference: Beyond the Text: Literary Archives in the 21st Century (Yale University Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, April 26-27, 2013). I’ll be speaking about “Teaching Digital Poetics &/as Archiving” on the “Teaching with Literary Archives” panel, along with some esteemed company: Jacqueline Goldsby (Professor of English & African American Studies, Department of English and African American Studies, Yale University) and Alice Kaplan, (John M. Musser Professor of French, French Department, Yale University). I’m humbled by the company and excited to learn from all gathered.
Just back and now..
I was traveling in China for the last 10 days. Fascinating.
And now, I am presenting twice this week (so, wish me luck with jetlag!):
Thursday: On “The Future of Education” panel for Leadership North County
Friday: On Comparative Textual Media, with N. Katherine Hayles, as part of the UCSD Digital Humanities Speaker Series
I’ll be @ USC on 4/1
I’ll be giving a talk at USC on my new research and bookishness book. “The Book is Not the Center: Between Page and Screen, Augmented Digital Poetics, and New Literacies” is about Amaranth Borsuk and Brad Bouse’s fascinating augmented-reality book of poetry, Between Page and Screen (2012).
Come on out!
April 1, 2013
5:00 pm
Leavey Auditorium
Eliterature Performance at UCSD
I’m heading to Iowa this week to give two talks: one at Coe College and one at University of Iowa. My thanks to my dear dissertation sister, Professor Melissa Sodeman (at Coe), for arranging it.
Here’s the info on the talk at Coe and at IU, on pressman-poster-rev
Canonicity Panel at UCSD
I’m going to speak about digital poetry and the challenges it raises to the literary canon in a panel titled “Canonicity” on February 12 @ 4:00 pm. The panel, organized by Prof. Michael Davidson (Literature) is part of a two-day interdisciplinary conference titled “Canonical Forms in Evolution.” It includes UC San Diego’s music department, literature department, visual arts department and Chinese studies program.
See the write-up in the San Diego Union-Tribune and come along!