My first piece from my new research on contemporary mermaid narrative just appeared online at The Conversation: “Disney’s Black mermaid is no breakthrough – just look at the literary subgenre of Black mermaid fiction.” Check it out!
Choice Award for Bookishness!
Bookishness was named one of the Outstanding Academic Titles by Choice, a publishing unit of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association!
“In December of each year Choice publishes its list of Outstanding Academic Titles. This prestigious list reflects the best in scholarly titles, both print and digital, reviewed by Choice during the previous year and brings with it the extraordinary recognition of the academic library community. The list is quite selective, containing approximately ten percent of some 5,000 works reviewed annually in Choice.
In naming a work an Outstanding Academic Title, the editors apply several criteria:
-overall excellence in presentation and scholarship
-importance relative to other literature in the field
-distinction as a first treatment of a given subject in book or electronic form
-originality or uniqueness of treatment
-value to undergraduate students
-importance in building undergraduate library collections”
Mermaids & Media talk at USC
I join my collaborators, Dianna Leong and Mark Marino, to talk about our Scalar-based essay “Entanglements” (published in The Digital Review, 2022) at USC on November 18 at 11am. The discussion will be in-person but with Zoom access, so sign up here!

Joining the faculty of Harvard’s Institute for World Literature (Summer 2023)
I am honored and excited to teach at Harvard University’s prestigious Institute for World Literature (IWL), which trains scholars and teachers in the study of literature in a globalizing world. Meeting for four weeks each summer, in locations from Beijing to Istanbul to Harvard and beyond, the Institute meets returns to Harvard this summer (July 2023), where I will teach a two-week seminar titled “Global Digital Literature: Histories, Theories, Methods”
Brazilian newspaper covers Bookishness
Great article about bookishness in Brazil’s O Globo! Author Bolívar Torres really understands what I was trying to do in my book….and I am grateful for Google Translate, which helped me to read the piece 🙂
CSU-wide DH Building
We’re building a CSU-wide DH network, and we start with a virtual symposium sharing our work and knowledge, connecting and mentoring. Excited to share my work on electronic literature!
Scholar in Residence in Germany– in 2023!
I am thrilled and honored to announce that I will be an international fellow/scholar in residence at the University of Hamburg, Germany as part of the “Poetry in the Digital Age” project, funded by the European Research Foundation and lead by Professor Claudia Benthien!
Description of the project: This research project is situated between literary studies, cultural studies and interart research. It will develop tools to analyze today’s multifaceted poetry formats, ranging from pop culture to works of ‘high’ art, by scrutinizing their forms and sites of presentation and performance. Research will be structured into three sub-projects, focusing on (1) poetry and performance, (2) poetry and music, as well as (3) poetry and visual culture. An interdisciplinary team comprising scholars from the fields of literary studies, media and film studies, performance studies, sound studies, speech science and visual culture studies will work together to map this field.
Runtime: 2021-2025, funded by the European Research Foundation (ERC Advanced Grant)
Portuguese review of Bookishness
Super happy to see (but not be able to read) a review of my book, Bookishness, in Portuguese! By Daniela Côrtes Maduro
My interview for Poetry International
I wrote up an interview with the brilliant poet and scholar of poetry, Mike Chasar, for Poetry International. Catch it here: “Poetry Unbound”
Debates in the Digital Humanities
The article I co-wrote with Pam Lach, my co-Director of SDSU’s Digital Humanities Initiative, “Digital Infrastructures: People, Place, and Passion, a Case Study of SDSU” was just published in the most recent volume of the esteemed series Debates in DH.
“Digital Infrastructures: People, Place, and Passion, a Case Study of SDSU” in People, Practice, Power: Digital Humanities outside the Center – Debates in the Digital Humanities, eds. Anne B. McGrail, Angel David Nieves, Siobhan Senier (University of Minnesota Press, 2022): 189-201.