Being an “invited speaker” at
Great new review of Digital Modernism
Jenn Phillis, writing at electronic book review, really gets what I’m after in Digital Modernism. She writes, “The question at the heart of Digital Modernism is why we read literature, especially difficult literature, at all.” Yep.
She is also one of the only reviewers to focus on my writing about Erik Loyer’s wonderful Chroma, a story about the quest for a universal language in which “the fantasy of universal language is revealed to be fundamentally anti-universal, itself encoded with specific ideas about race, gender, culture, and class.”
I am grateful to this reviewer for seeing an ethical dimension in my book:
“Digital Modernism reveals that even the most innovative contemporary works of digital literature wrestle with what some might see as old-fashioned questions: what constitutes communication? How does representation work? Or, more basically, how did this artist manage to put this thing—this difficult, inscrutable thing—together, and why did she do it? Our profession should—as Pressman does throughout Digital Modernism—refuse to subordinate these aesthetic questions to utilitarian measures and remember that reading, writing, and repeating all take critical stances toward contemporary culture and politics.”
Truly honored to have found such a good and generous reader.
Digital Modernism at DH2016
Book Award!
Very proud that Reading Project won the Electronic Literature Organization’s “N. Katherine Hayles Award for Best Literary Criticism on Electronic Literature,” 2016. Yay!
Looking forward to this…!
Review of Reading Project
An incredible review of our new book, Reading Project: A Collaborative Analysis of William Poundstone’s Project for Tachistoscope {Bottomless Pit}, by the incomparable Alan Liu (UCSB):
To my knowledge, it is the only work to date in the new media studies/digital humanities area that provides a full methodological paradigm (and case example) for how to "read" contemporary creative works of digital media through interwoven analysis of all the levels of digital phenomena from code (source and compiled) through interface to traditionally interpretable textual/visual "meaning" or "narrative." *Reading Project* pursues each of these types of analysis with a degree of rigor and invention that makes it state-of-the-art in the field. For instance, the analysis through visual modeling techniques (for which Jeremy is principally responsible) marks the leading edge of digital visualization methods.... Similarly, the code analysis of the decompiled Flash code animating William Poundstone's *Project for Tachistocope* (the specific work of electronic literature that Reading Project takes as its case study) is state of the art because its principal contributor, Mark Marino, was one of the original innovators in the field of "critical code studies." And in the same vein, the "traditional" analysis of textual and visual meaning in Poundstone's avant-garde work led principally by Jessica Pressman rivals the very best of so-called "close reading" in modern literary interpretation, but in a new key informed by the hermeneutics of visualization data-mining and code analysis. There simply is no other extant work that combines these reading methods in one organic paradigm, let alone demonstrates them with detail, rigor, and brilliance in the reading of a specific digital work. In general, I note, much recent debate among literary scholars (and other humanists) confronted with digital new media and the digital humanities has bruited the supposed contrast between an older mode of "close reading" and the new digitally-enabled "distant reading" (data-mining and text-analysis modeling of datasets rather than individual works). Through explicit methodological argument and also by example, *Reading Project* persuasively shows that the binary terms of the debate are false. As the authors argue, their variety of analytical reading methods adapted to new media allows them to "zoom in" and "zoom out" so as to inextricably bind close reading to distant reading. *Reading Project* is an original, substantial, and important contribution to the study of creative digital works in the humanities. The book makes a compelling case for how all digital work--creative or not, in the humanities or not--must henceforth be studied."
In Konstanz, Germany
Excited for this conference to begin tomorrow!
Upcoming talk at USC
I’m excited about the following event… a long time in coming.
Book talk and roundtable with me, Mark Marino (USC), and Jeremy Douglass (UCSB)–my two friends and co-writers– about our recently-published co-written book of digital humanities literary criticism, Reading Project: A Collaborative Analysis of William Poundstone’s Project for Tachistoscope {Bottomless Pit} (Iowa UP 2015)
William Poundstone, author of Project for Tachistoscope {Bottomless Pit} (the work of digital literature that we analyze in our book) and author of fourteen print books of nonfiction who has been twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, will join us.
NEH-sponsored Workshops tomorrow!
Finally, the workshops I have been planning (with generous support from The Office of Digital Humanities at the National Endowment for the Humanities) are here!
Tomorrow, 30 faculty members from 7 institutions in San Diego will meet at SDSU to build a regional network of support for teaching digital humanities.
Check out our website and watch us go/grow!